The Boston Consulting Group - отзывы сотрудников и клиентов


The Boston Consulting Group is a global management consulting firm and the world's leading advisor on business strategy. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.

BCG has been present in the Russian market since 1990, consulting such well-known international organizations as EBRD and the IMF on topics related mainly to economic reforms. In 1994 BCG opened a permanent office in Moscow. Since the early 2000s BCG strengthened its leading positions in management consulting in Russia and the CIS, demonstrating double-digit annual growth over the recent years.

Our office serves a broad base of domestic and international clients in such industries as energy, financial services, telecom, consumer goods, industrial goods, and pharmacy; in addition, BCG Moscow does pro-bono work for the not-for-profit sector. BCG has been consulting companies in Ukraine for quite a long period of time, and to become closer to our clients, BCG opened an office in Kiev in 2007. Shortly afterwards, the BCG CIS system was established to serve international clients entering or already present in CIS markets, as well as large local companies.

A consulting career at BCG is an exciting opportunity that offers diversity, intellectual challenges, teamwork, and the potential to have a tremendous impact on leading businesses.

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BCG ворует чужие идеи. Сначала после прохождения тестового задания, тебе поют дифирамбы о том, как вы его успешно выполнили, и что только единицам это удается. Затем без малейшего уважения к твоему личному времени, пушат тебя прислать "дополнительные" идеи. Для этих дополнительных идей я подключила лучших пиарщиков мск, но после отправки идей, BСG благополучно испарились. Без какой-либо обратной связи. Стыд и позор. Вот она большая тройка - Employer Branding на нуле, воровство чужих идей.

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