Friisberg & Partners International - отзывы сотрудников и клиентов

Россия, Санкт-Петербург

Категория: Услуги
Friisberg & Partners International (earlier JFP Executive Search (since 1979) is an International Management Consultant firm specialized in Executive Search, member of IIC Partners. Our firm is focussing on systematic search for- and evaluation of executives in industry, commerce, banking, IT and other sectors. Our approach is assisting top management in solving business problems through attracting competent and professional executives through analysing client's needs, focussing on finding solutions relative to the client's requirements, evaluation and presentation - correlating the results with the needs of the client. Members of our firm adhere to a strict code of professional ethics: information received is treated with utmost care and discretion, the identity of clients and candidates is never revealed without previous consent, executives in client companies are never approached. We will follow the ethical rules accepted at the Headhunters.
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