Dream-marriage - отзывы сотрудников и клиентов1

Сайт: dream-marriage.com

1 отзыва
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Отзыв о работе компании

Situation is in to total scam. Dm often do not pay, try to make the situation where you are guilty. They suck problems from finger.

Отрицательные стороны

Talking about partners , dm abuses really this word. They understand that little agencies can not fight, like hiring lawyer. Mostly dm disregards their own rules. They like not to pay for the service they receive, like to shout and show that they are main
Clients/men/ receive total scam in everything. Most women are ugly, photos are very photoshopped, most of them are married and receive money from dream marriage

Положительные стороны

Pluses are only for the site. No one receive good benefits. No clients, no partners 10 years ago it was a serious company. Now it’s scam with lots of technical problems

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