«Astra Software» - отзывы сотрудников и клиентов

Astra Software Логотип(logo)

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    Россия, Санкт-Петербург

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Что такое Astra Software?

Astra Software is one of the elite offshore software development companies in Eastern Europe and has been supplying American and European markets with superior services since 2003. We are committed to bridging the gap between highly technical solutions and a creative user-friendly interface design. To make these cutting-edge solutions possible we hire only professionally skilled software engineers and experienced design experts with perfect communication skills. It is this proficient team of specialists that allow us to satisfy our customers′ needs fully, on every project, regardless of how complex the solution or project requirements are.? OUR MISSION Our mission is "To provide the most reliable software development services with the best Quality, on time, and within budget". At Astra Software we strive to develop long-term relationships based on customer satisfaction. We continually work on improving the software development process by applying evolving process management techniques in addition to our knowledge obtained from past projects. We strongly believe in our Core Values: Committed Services. We ensure our clients receive 100% satisfaction, upon the successful completion of all of our clients′ solutions, projects, and service agreements. Quality. An inherent goal: Quality is an integral variable in our equation for success. Processes, documentation and audit systems are in place to ensure that quality standards are practiced and maintained. Delivering Valuable Services for a Reasonable Fee. Customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. This is achieved by providing our clients a wide range of cost effective services, while never compromising quality. Integrity. Astra complies with strict regulations and ethics to ensure that the essence of all agreements made with us, is maintained. To ensure that our services are as reliable and as consistent as possible we pride ourselves on ensuring that the highest standards for moral values and ethics are exhibited by all employees, all the time. Strategic Alliances. We build partnerships with our clients as we work, helping them to achieve their goals faster and in a cost effective manner. Excellence - Our Standard. We are committed to achieving excellence at every stage of the process of the design, development and delivery of software services. Astra engineers have successfully mastered all major programming languages and technologies, which gives us the experience necessary to provide superior services no matter how extensive the requirements. We Value our People. We invest in the quality and effectiveness of our Human Resources. We reward initiative, commitment and outstanding performance. All our staff members are excellent team players. OUR TEAM At Astra Software, we are committed to the Mission-Critical role played by our team members. Our Company focuses on employee appreciation as much as it concentrates on our client’s and partner’s satisfaction. Astra Software has been built on a strong foundation of intellectual capital, camaraderie and result-orientation amongst its team members. Our software engineers provide superior results on a wide variety of platforms and programming environments. Astra’s database systems experts create sophisticated data marts and other Internet solutions that make up the core of our clients web business’. Our focused and yet creative team has the ability to methodically transform out-dated business processes into cutting edge workgroups that have a seamless information flow. In the end, all projects exhibit premium service at a low cost and are always completed within crucial deadlines. Currently our team is comprised of more than 50 professional, including: project managers, software developers, QA engineers, graphic designers, marketing and HR staff. Upper management, who all poses a strong IT development and management background, leads all our teams. At any point of time, our clients have ready access to all the senior management profiles at Astra Software.

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Новые отзывы
  • Отзыв: Компания хуйня, отношение к сотрудникам ужасное, постоянно обман, постоянно пускают пыль в глаза. Обманывают стариков

    Минусы: Сплошной минус, аферисты

    Плюсы: Неь

  • Отзыв: Мошенники

  • Отзыв: Полный КОШМАР! Заплатила за 7 саженцев 19 700 грн. Перед оплатой мне обещали, что организуют доставку (из Киева в Днепр). В итоге после оплаты я больше 3-х недель не могла

  • Отзыв: Ужасная компания кидалово, на производстве работают узбеки и таджики там же живут, руководство не русские. Не понятно из чего они все это готовят из просрочки.

  • Отзыв: Договорились с данным индивидом на разработку 2-ух сайтов. За всё 60 000 руб. Сначала индивид очень торопил, говорил что нужно быстро сдать. В итоге за неделю всё было готово. Потом

    Минусы: Аферист, кидает на деньги и клиентов и разработчиков

  • Отзыв: Работала в этой клинике в должности бухгалтера около года. И хочу поделиться впечатлениями о работе. Сразу хочу сказать, что текучка кадров в этой клинике высокая, и вот почему - Администраторы в